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Below is a list of some classroom accommodations you can make for your ESOL students as well as some links to websites with further information and ideas.

1. Use gestures, charts, visuals and pictures as much as possible.


2 .Print key words, directions and page numbers on the board. Refrain from giving only oral directions.


3. Have students rephrase your directions to you or what a word means if you are unsure if he or she  

    understands. Students are often shy about telling you they do not understand.


4. Avoid using complex language and slang when possible.


5. Have an inviting room that makes the student feel nonthreatened.


6. Check for comprehension --use questions that use questions that require one word answers, props,

    and gestures. require one word answers, props, and gestures (Avoid "Do you understand?”)


7. Get to know the student’s reading and writing  ability. . Don’t assume a high literacy level

    because the student has relatively advanced oral skills. (Consult with an ESL teacher if

    in doubt.)


8. When possible, modify assignments so the ESL student writes less,has simpler questions to answer,

    fewer spelling words, etc.


9. Provide bilingual dictionaries for older students who are literate in their first language.*who are

   literate in their first language.**Discourage over--reliance on dictionaries and translation.


10. Provide books on tape or CD where possible.


11. Use manipulatives to reinforce new concepts.


12.  Provide wall charts of key concepts or information (e.g.number tables, alphabet, periodic tables, maps).


13.  Provide a word wall of key words.


14. Provide a variety of texts and resources on curriculum topics at a curriculum topics at a range of reading          levels.


15.  Provide models of completed homework assignments, projects, etc.assignments, projects, etc. 


16. Ensure tests and assignments are written in clear concise language and are easy to read.

Classroom Accommodations

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